Was's European History Blog

PLEASE USE THIS BLOG ONLY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS. No personal attacks, suggestions, or discussion should go on here. Please remember, I have to read all of the responses each night.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

False Premise on Your View of Communism in China, Russia and Cuba

G-Money, I understand all of your points and they are valid, but I will argue from another perspective:

  1. Russia--Yes, Stalin was a bad, bad, very bad guy, but were the Czars' any better? Plus, there are still Russians who desire the stability he brought. The Capitalist Revolution in Russia of the 1990's has not been the success our bourgeois pigs wanted (since they saw opportunities to make money :)
  2. China--the rightful government you said in Taiwan was led by a nasty guy named Chang Kai-Shek. I discussed this issue with a Chinese nationalist with you same view, but I was sorely destroyed by this guy's knowledge of the situation. Remember, Mao was a bad, bad, very bad guy, but it is the first time in history China can feed its own population with only limited famines.
  3. Cuba--was Batista any better than Castro? He was a guy controlled by the mafia. Check out Godfather II--a good depiction of events of the revolutionary era.

Overall, I think your view is that Communism has been corrupted by leaders. Therefore, it is not specifically the men, but the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat."


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Was said...

Let's stay away from your partisan dogma--you dag on empty romantic...

how back to reality

You are right about men. So, does that mean Hegel was wrong to dismiss history through great men? Do cultural values make men, or men make the values?

Plus, your thoughts about the postmodern problems such as the "hemispheres" are right on target. To gain an understanding of the next few decades, we must look how the BOP of hte 19th played out so we can manipulate it to our benefit....Is this realism or what...

At 3:39 PM, Blogger Was said...

Truth is these states we are looking at have never truly had stability. The 20th Century communism is not really Marxism, but the 20th century form of a dictatorship.


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