France--What would you do?
Looking at France, was Napoleon III that wrong? What other options did he have? What role did the French electorate play? Does the French Second Republic failures prove that a republican democracy cannot work?
PLEASE USE THIS BLOG ONLY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS. No personal attacks, suggestions, or discussion should go on here. Please remember, I have to read all of the responses each night.
Jesse you have the essence of the idea. Napoleon III was selected by the people with a promise of greatness, and hte authoritarian empire was the only way to establish this stability. Instead of seeking internal stability, he sought to gain this stability by outside conquests--Crimean War, Austro-Piedmont War, and the establishment of the French Dominion of Mexico. In truth, he had no real concept of foreign policy nor domestic. Thus, he failed in all he did because he did not focus on the internal aspects.
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