Marxism and Christianity Blog
Let's stop posting on that post. If your question has not been answered here, please respond to this post.
I tried to read all of the postings and respond and scolded one for a language issue. So, please, any other comments post here so I can get to them quicker.
By the way, WOW--you guys are GREAT!
piedmont--Crimean War--Cavour used the conflict (even though it was inevitable that France was going to win) to gain a much needed alliance so France would not join with Austria to put down the unification.
Realism/Liberalism put industrialization over the romantic promises of past greatness
matt is a bourgeois pig (hence learn how to spell jk)
Not bad--I do see Marxism as the rebellion of the thesis
How does Hegel compare?
Chelsea, you just might get a good grade on this test.
First--I hope W. will refuse to study opinion polls. I hope he stands on what he thinks is truth and carry out his vision. In 08 if that is not the direction the electorate wants, then the new candidates can battle it out.
Second--Your timeline activity is cool. You guys may want to Google something like--"2nd French Empire timeline" and see what comes up.
Victorian Golden Age--Gladstone and the Liberals vs. Disraeli and the Conservatives
After 1865, the political battle is between these two groups.
Remember Disraeli and the Reform Act of 1867
Gladstone and the Education Act of 1870
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