Was's European History Blog

PLEASE USE THIS BLOG ONLY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS. No personal attacks, suggestions, or discussion should go on here. Please remember, I have to read all of the responses each night.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Industrial Philosophies

The 19th Century saw a drastic change in political philosophies. The Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, as well as the Revolutionary Era (1789-1815) saw a drastic change.

Classical Liberalism with its focus on laissez-faire economics attempted to state that the urban problems and other issues would be solved by the natural order.

Utilitarianism focused on the government tweaking the natural order by passing new laws that would perpetuate the natural redistribution of wealth.

Socialism believed that it was the government's moral obligation to forcibly shift the wealth of a society.

Anarchy believed that the institution of the state was corrupt from its foundation. The only way to solve the problems was to destroy the institution itself.

Which philosophy offered the best answer to the crisis of the 19th Century? Explain?


At 6:32 PM, Blogger Was said...

Chelsea, you are a great politician--what is your answer? and you say YES :)

You interpretation of the different ideas is right on.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Was said...

good point southasiansensation


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