Was's European History Blog

PLEASE USE THIS BLOG ONLY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS. No personal attacks, suggestions, or discussion should go on here. Please remember, I have to read all of the responses each night.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1968: A Year of Revolution

The year of 1968 saw an explosion of new thought and ideas. From students, hippies, and feminists, a new core of ideals that were separated from Modernism, hence the beginning of postmodern thought.

In a couple of sentences, how did 1968 prove that Modernism was in fact ending during the late-20th Century?


At 9:05 PM, Blogger emily said...

1968 led to the end of modernism because society was becoming less selfish (individualism) and less male dominate. Women began becoming more outspoken about their rights than their predecessors the suffragists. Suffragists thought that the right to vote was enough for equality to men whereas their successors believed that equality meant equal job opportunities, equal job salaries, etc. There was also the Sexual Revolution... (I'd rather not go into detail.)

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Was said...

Good comment Emily. Now, think about how Beauvoir and Freidan impact this. What about how the first wave of feminists differed in perspective differ from the second? How did political rights fail to grant economic rights.

Now, in application to last year's information you learned, how did the flappes of the Roaring '20's lead to this sexual revolution?

At 4:55 PM, Blogger emily said...

Beauvoir and Friedan both agreed that women didn't need to rely on men to help them with everything. The first group of feminists just wanted the right to vote, they were okay with being married and relying on their husband. Political rights just gave them the right to speak their opinions about the government via ballot when elections came. That didn't really help them financially.

The flappers were the ones who wore the short dresses and skirts and the noticeable makeup.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger odiraa said...

while there were many successful revolutions in the year of 1968, there were also some failures. One example of the distastrous attempt by students in Berlin who tried to emulate the French students. However, I think the only reason this attempt failed was because the German students did not have public opinion on their side. The type of puclic opinion seems to be the key to all the revolutions of the modern era. Gomulka of Poland succeeds because he has public support on his side as shown by the support of the workers. Imry Nagy fails because while he has public support and opinion on his side, the Soviets know that there is nothing that the people who support Imry Nagy can do.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger e_winter said...

The revolutions proved that Modernism was coming to the end because the strict boundries of Modernism were being streched to the limits and started to shatter all together. The students, hippies and feminists of 1968 rethought the "normal" way of life and realized that it did not prove to be fair to them personally. The students did not like the conformed, "old" ways of teaching the universities offered so they revolted (Neo-Marxism, right). Also the feminists were fed up with being treated as lessers of men and revolted with the Bra Burnings and some literary elements (i.e. The Second Sex) I know that's not very organized, but I got the jist of it, right?

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

The events n 1968 proved that modernism was over because the world was no longer male dominated. Woman wanted their rights to be just as equal as the men. Women in the world became less dependent on men. They felt that marriage was not a necessity. Students began to realize that the old teaching styles were not in touch with the post-modern era and began to rebell. I think thats right.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger WOmanleyyyy said...

1968 proved that it was the end of Modernism during the late-20th century because women became more independent and got jobs. Also, they started to notice that you didnt have to be married to be alive. The students also realized that they weren't being allowed to have conversations or discussions during class, which made them unhappy. They started to "revolt" and tried also to get some discussion time in class. This was how the modern world was ending in the late-20th century.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

1968 led to the end of modernism because this was the year women really started to speak out. They believed they shouldn't have to be married and they wanted the same rights as men. Also when the students started to rebel because they didn't agree with the teacher or the rules set b their school. The work force also had to do with ending modernism. Women were seen in the work force more then in past years and that showed that the world was no longer dominated my men.

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

The BIGGEST thing that showed that the modern age was ending was the fact that the borders in Europe were being blurred, individualism and nationalism of the moderen age was comming to an end. This is deminstrated by the formation of the EEC and similar associations.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger Mandy said...

In 1968 the end of modernism began because people started to realize that some things were not right in the world.They began to notice that it was "dominated" by the average white male. The women, for example began to rebel they believed that they were not treated as fairly as men. Some women like Beavoir and Friedan wrote books ("Second Sex" and "Feminine Mystique") basically challenging and criticizing the role of women during the time period. Another reason that led to the end of mondernism was consumerism. Consumerism became the "religion" during the end of modernism. Lastly the students who didn't want to conform to the old ways of teaching. Which were set more for the modern age not post modern . So they began to revolt, for they sought new ideas.

QUESTION!! Okay, I understand that consumerism led to the end of modernism and it basically took place of religion.... but when I was looking over some of my notes I was a little confused on what exactly it is.
I thought it was like a few countries sort of losing the sense of nationalism to work together to supply the demands of the people. But I dont know for sure....

At 9:37 PM, Blogger odiraa said...

Hi Mandy, let me try to answer your question.
Consumerism is the idea that people can be satisfied solely through the purchase of consumer goods (e.g. cell phone, IPod's, TV's, cars, homes, etc.).I can see where you're going with the whole end of nationalism thing though. I think what you're talking about with the country providing for the people is the welfare state. This welfare state was tried all over Europe. I think Was said that the countries started trying this to take over from where the Church had left off.

QUESTION!!!! Can someone explain to me exactly what caused the Berlin Crisis of 1968 as well as what happened during the crisis?

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

i think this is right
the second berlin crisis was the wall
the wall wascreated by K of the USSR
he built it so that people would stop moving to west berlin from east berlin so that they could leave the communist state
Kennedy i think tried to talk to K about it but he could not invade because no one wanted to start WWIII

and I THINK that invading a county in a declaration of war but idk
does any one know if it is????

At 10:27 PM, Blogger hau said...

Are you serious!?!

Of course invading a country is a declaration of war!!!

Next question: On a scale of 10-10 how awesome is Hau?

I say about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Was said...

Emily, remember, the flappers were "masculine" with bobbed hair, shorter hair, and drank and smoked with the best of the men. A theme that may have started was that women may have become more masculine in hopes of gaining more freedom and rights.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Was said...

Odiraa, you are quite right. With the fear of the spread of communism and the idea of losing the western rights, the mainstream West Berliners were quite conservative. This was true as well as in the US.

I also believe that many of the rebellers in the US may have been disgruntled middle class children who desired parental attention. With that, some may have joined the revolutionary thinkers in hopes of becoming what their fathers were not; yet by 1980, these middle class hippies would sell out to the suburban areas and become Reagan Democrats

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Was said...

Emily Winter,
"the strict boundries of Modernism were being streched to the limits and started to shatter all together" is an incredible thought. I don't remember saying this in class. Hence, this is an independent conclusion worthy of praise.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Was said...

Jessica T: I see you loving the upcoming election. With Paulin, even if she does not represent the feminist goals, she represents a new age for feminism. Women are now acceptable as political leaders. This may in fact been rooted in the 1960's second wave of feminism.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger Was said...

K mandley: ditto with my commet to jessica t

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Was said...

Mandy, Odiraa is right with his answer. According to postmodern historians, consumerism was the insatiable desire to gain wealth and possessions. Insatiable means it can never be satisfied. Hence, a postmodern may conclude that misogyny, imperialism, white man's burden etc is a direct result of the developing consumerist thoughts.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Was said...

Amanda: ditto to my jesscia t reply

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Was said...

Woodruff: you are right on with the EEC and its development by 1968

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Was said...

Hau....what r u talking about???? Is it the Soviet invasion of Czech.?

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

Paulin is an interesting person. She doesn't nessecarily have the whole feminist act but she proves that a man isn't needed for everythig. I maen how many women do you think would actually take the stress and burden of being vice pres.?

Also, Hau u r not awesome at all!!!!

At 5:21 PM, Blogger emily said...

I have to say this...
Mark > Mitchell
Sorry Hau.

Now to be relevant: I didn't know that until today Was. we just learned that they wore the short dresses and the bright, noticeable makeup. Thanks for the info. [=

At 5:36 PM, Blogger meg said...

I completely agree with you that Paulin shows that we don't need men for everything, jessica

Oh and sorry hau, but i don't think you are that great either. But on the bright side, i think you are better then mark(sorry emily)

At 6:37 PM, Blogger virali said...

One of the reasons Modernism ended in 1968 was due to the creation of the ECC. This took out the borders and allowed the countries involved to trade w/ one another with no barriers. Also, the feelings of individualism and nationalism were taken out of the picture.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

Meg, thank you. i feel that the world is so much different than being dependent on men.

i think Mark and Hau are equal AWESOME!

i change my previous comment.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

i comment entirely too much but in class today was the first time i heard about the Flappers being masculine. Does this mean that even back then women wanted to be as free as men?

At 7:30 PM, Blogger emily said...

totally irrelevant, but if anyone has aim, you can add me: musicaunderdogx3

At 8:10 PM, Blogger meg said...

yes jessica. the women felt they were being deprived of their equality with men so they decided to take on a more masculine look

Sorry about my comment on hau and mark. it was mean.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

No see i asked that because the invasion in the bay of pigs failed but it was still an invasion right??
ok and if an invasion is a declaration of war than why didnt we go to war with Cuba or was it that we where at war with the solviets so that included cuba cause it was a satellite??
and Hau would get a higher rating from me but....
he is kinda mean some times

At 8:57 PM, Blogger emily said...

I get what you're saying Tori. I think the answer is yes and no. Usually invading a country is a declaration of war, but in the case of Bay of Pigs, it wasn't. It was an attempt to overthrow Castro. We didn't want to have a war with Cuba, we just wanted them to have new government.

I'm sorry if that sounded confusing.

At 9:03 PM, Blogger meg said...

woodruff, we did not invade cuba. we trained and aided cuban exiles as they unsuccessfully tried to overthrow Castro. that is why it was not a declaration of war, because we did not techniqly invade with US enforcements(Kennedy did not let the US participate).

At 9:04 PM, Blogger meg said...

aka the US military did not fight

At 9:06 PM, Blogger meg said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger molly said...

In 1968, the hippies were at their highest point. The hippies changed the modern ways by rebelling against the establishment.There was a big change of style and social behavior. Didn't the hippies wear the colorful headbands and bell bottoms? :)

At 9:14 PM, Blogger emily said...

About my Mark > Hau comment. I feel bad for saying it, but I'm going to be honest, Mark is nicer than Hau. Hau sprayed me with Frebreeze.

I always think Bay of Pigs has Americans disguised as Cubans for some reason. Who knows? I agree with Meg. I'm pretty sure the US military was not physically there.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger hau said...

Me? Mean? Never! Preposterous!
But seriously, back on topic.
I agree with an overwhelming majority of what you guys are saying, but you are forgetting one HUGE thing here. Give me a "C", gimme an "I", gimme a "V", you know what forget it. CIVIL RIGHTS! In 1968 the African-Americans were fighting for their rights. In our first graphic in class ever (the one about modernism), we talk about the role of Jews, Females, and uhhh... oh yeah, African-Americans. The African-American struggle helps us see the end of Modernism.
And along with the student protests, I thought the reason it signified the end of modernism is that by the students rebelling against their teachers, they were basically rebelling against the bourgeoisie.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Correct me if I am wrong about the student thing.

At 9:27 PM, Blogger meg said...

I'm pretty sure the hippies did wear the bell bottoms and colorful headbands Molly

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Was said...

Excellent point Hau....if Obama is elected, does that definitively end the modern age for america?

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Was said...

BTW guys U R AWESOME with this ongoing discussion. I am excited to see when we really get into things deeply.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger emily said...

I feel stupid for forgetting about the Civil Rights movement, but at the same time since this is Euro. It's okay to forget about it though since we're looking at events through an european viewpoint.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

yah hippies had the bell bottoms
tye dye and bell bottoms
ok thanks i get it now
i have yet another question
Hau dont make fun
but when it comes to the student revolts
wherent the students revolting against that whole mind set that the university was right and trying to voice your opinion and have a conversation with the teachers was impossible??
and if you look in the book there is only a small part evoted to the civil rights beacause at that time wasnt it still kinda a eurosentric (SP?) world so since it was happening in the states it lke effected it but i see it more as i byproduct of the end or moderism
By hey i am only little Torri Woodruff i am not ALWAYS right

At 9:52 PM, Blogger emily said...

I think the revolts were because there were so many students, but not enough professors, they felt like they were getting ignored.

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

ok yah there is that thanks to the gi bill
if you look on the moderism ending graphic orgainizer that was gave us under student hallenges of authority the third bubble talks about how the students refused the norm (i see that as the mentality of the university, was talked about it in class i think)and how administration refused to change(i saw that as they wouldnt talk and rethink that they see as truth)

At 10:11 PM, Blogger PrincessJoy said...

hey yall! This is Joy, and im scared to use this for the first time, so bear with me.
I have a question: on the paper that has all of the objectives and terms that we've learned so far, there's 4 questions on the back. I was wondering if anyone understood what #1: To what extent did the American economic expansion play in the development of the Cold War, really meant?

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

Well actually i think that in the american since of the end of modernism then Hau u r right the Civil Rights movement had an impact on society...however as far as the revolts in Europe the students felt like they should be able to relate class to what was happening in the post-modern world not jus be stuck learning about what was pretty much the past.

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

Joy i dnt kno if this is right so anyone correct me if im wrong but i think it was lik the marshall plan where the Soviets felt that the us bought their satelites. Stalin felt that we used money and economics to "form" or get everyone on the western eurpoean side. Because we felt that Stalin forced his satelites to be on his side with the warsaw pact and the COMECON. idk if this makes any sense to u......

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

to address Was's question if Obama does win the election then i think that modernism would have officailly came to an end!

At 10:19 PM, Blogger PrincessJoy said...

Ok thank you! I get it now.
Next question: what are the groups for quizlet? i only found 1...

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

ooops i forgot to go and do that imma go now and post the url!

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

Hey jessica i think that your are right on with the marshiall plan thing
but i think that if obama wins it will be really big but
i think the modern age ended long ago
like the 1990's
with the fall of the solviet union

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

hey do u want me to make a group or do u want to join the groups from last year?

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

woodruff u r right! Thanks

At 10:24 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

last year students
last year students
was's 4th bell

At 10:44 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

oh and i didnt get a chance to make sets yet but i promise there will be some tomorrow

At 10:44 PM, Blogger hau said...

Well Was, I think the modern age has basically ended already. Wait... I know the modern age is already over, but if Obama is elected prez, there can't be any speculation in anybody's mind EVER that the modern age is still going on. No, I have changed my mind again. I think this basically says it right here. Obama is one of the top two likeliest candidates to become President. He is the first African-American to be able to say that, so win presidency or not, the modern age is over, has been over, and nobody, NOBODY, can dispute that!

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

I didnt think i would ever say this but..i agree with Hau!!!!

At 1:00 AM, Blogger lumpia12 said...

Hey it's Fiona. I know it's late but i just wanted to tell everyone good luck on the test today. Hope we all do well =)

At 5:05 PM, Blogger mark said...

hey guys, this is my first post. first i would like to say thanks for the overwhelming support i got from all u from 4th block today before the test!!! hau is a great guy, but come on, who has got the hair?? huh??

At 5:05 PM, Blogger mark said...

oh, and i too agree with hau. NICE ONE BUDDY!!!

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Jessica_T said...

Mark dnt b getting conceited now u kno u r not all that! lol jk jk jk

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Woodruff said...

Hau has nice hair too
ha just like me
we all have nice hair
ha and
what where the two things that started the cold war i want to check my answer

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Gabby said...

I know I'm responding to yesterdays post, but about the Obama thing, even if McCain wins it will still mark the end of moderism altogether (altough I'm pretty sure it already ended) because Palin could be the first women VP. But it really doesn't matter who wins. The fact that the first African American is running for president and the first women is running for vice president couldn't have even happened 40 years ago and even it had, the chances of them being voted in were slim to none.

At 6:37 PM, Blogger e_winter said...

If anyone wants to start a study group, me and a couple other people might start one at the new Tropical Smoothie in Greenbrier. Email me (go to my profile by clicking on my name and it's on the left sidebar) or talk to me in school if you are intrested. We will most likely meet on Fridays if we decide to do it.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger lea said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 12:08 AM, Blogger lumpia12 said...

Emily I would love to join your study group. I'm not ashamed to say that i do need some help. Can you keep me updated by telling me on here or on aim?


At 4:20 PM, Blogger e_winter said...

I'll keep you updated lumpia12 (LOL!) I don't think it opened yet, but I'll keep you posted. Updates will probably me on the blog, because I don't have an AIM, sorry!

At 5:06 PM, Blogger meg said...

plez keep me updated to emily i think it would be awesome to get together

At 11:10 AM, Blogger lumpia12 said...

oh okay


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