Was's European History Blog

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Study Review Guide for Test

Pre-IB World History I
Unit 3: The Renaissance Review

Objectives Taught:
· Criticize a Neo-Classical interpretation of the Renaissance;
· Locate and label key Renaissance Nation-States, Empires, and City-States on a European map;
· Evaluate the Renaissance as the “Birth of the Modern World” (in contrast to an continuation of the Middle Ages)
· Analyze the development of Renaissance culture;
· Trace the development of the Renaissance Italian city-states from the 1300’s to 1500’s;
· Contrast Medieval and Renaissance Art;
· Identify key humanists of the Early and High Renaissance;
· Describe the means of cultural diffusion of the Renaissance to the North;
· Compare and contrast the Italian and Northern Renaissance;
· Identify key Northern humanists;
· Describe how Northern literature and art led to the calling of Reformation;

· Neo-Classicism· Jacob Burckhardt· Quatrocentro· Alberti· Hansa· Wool depression·

House of Medici and Florence· Medieval Feudal Caste System· Castiglione’s Book of Courtier·

Merchants/Burghers/Bourgeoisie· Renaissance Slavery· Humanitarianism vs. economic

necessities· Isabella d’Este· Sforza and Milan· Machiavelli’s The Prince· Humanism·

Petrarch· “civic humanism”· Bruni· Valla· Ficino· Hermeticism · Secularism· Feltre·

Vergerio· Guicciardini· Humanist History· Gutenberg· Giotto· Masaccio· Donatello·

Botticelli· Brunelleschi· Bramante · Da Vinci· Michelangelo· Raphael· Early Renaissance·

High Renaissance· Late Renaissance· El Greco· Titian· Mannerism· Northern Renaissance· Van

Eyck· Durer· Brueghel· Holbein· Thomas More· Erasmus· Rabelais· Cervantes· 1453· Peace of

Lodi· Italian Wars (Valois-Habsburg Wars)· Sack of Rome· Hundred Years’ War· Charles VII

and taille· Louis XI and Burgandy· Charles the Bold· Charles VIII· Francis I· French

Absolutism · War of the Roses· Bosworth Field· Henry VII· Tudor Dynasty· Parliament ·

Ferdinand and Isabella· Granada· Innate problems with united Spain· Reconquista· Spanish

Inquisition· Holy Roman Empire· Maximilian I· Reichstag and Electoral College· Poland·

Sejm· Librium Veto· Russia· Mongols· Ivan III· “Third Rome”· Czar (Tsar)· Ivan IV· Muscovy·

Heresy· Wycliffe and Lollards· Hus and Hussites· Conciliar Movement as the end of the Great

Schism· Pius II and Excrablis· Sixtus IV· Alexander VI· Julius II· Leo X· corruption of

the Medieval Catholic Church· patron

Theme Questions:

1. How did Henry VII secure stability in England, forming a nation-state that would eventually dominate the Modern Age?

2. How did the artistic advances throughout the Renaissance illustrate an emerging critical mind that would eventually challenge every aspect of traditional society?

3. To what degree did the Renaissance mark a new era?

4. How did the years 1453, 1494 and 1527 significantly impact the Italian Renaissance? How did these years illustrate the growth of the Northern Renaissance?

5. To what degree did the development of the three key Renaissance Nation-States illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the three states throughout the Modern Age?

6. How did the Renaissance illustrate the corruption of the Medieval Church?


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