Suggestions for study groups
Hey Guys,
I have heard many of thinking about forming study groups. This is AWESOME. Study groups are an excellent way to gather already known material into themes and groupings.
I decided to give you some suggestions on guide lines:
1. Make sure your group is manageable! Too many means too much chaos, too little means no new ideas. A conversation group should max out at 9 or 10.
2. Be sure to PREPARE. If you go into a study group with no knowledge of the subject matter, you are wasting both yours and the group's time!
3. Create objectives: Define what you will cover. You may use the theme questions or objectives.
4. If there is going to be social time, be sure to do it on the backside (the last portion) of the gathering. If you begin the meeting my socializing, you will never get started.
If you have any questions, you know how to get hold of me.
what do you think of chat room study groups was? like for aim.
it matters who you have in the group and the productivity. If you follow the basic guidelines in this post, a virtual group should be as productive as a real life one.
Hey! Thanks for the study group at Barnes & Noble Becka! It was a really good idea and it helped A LOT!
If you didn't get to go to the last one, I would really reccomend going to the next one! (if there is a next one, which I hope there will be!)
Grrrr I should have skipped my game, I heard it HELPED SOOOO MUCH!!!
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