Intellectual Revolution--Was's Postmodern Interpretation
The Intellectualhtt Revolution of the 16th-18th Centuries created a new Western Civilization that improved on its rational, mathematical interpretation of the universe and society. New ideas on government (applied in the US Constitution), new ideas on natural rights, new ideas on the penal code exploded throughout Europe, creating a new wave of skepticism that elevated Western Culture.
With that said, one cannot accept all aspects of this Revolution since it was driven by the bourgeoisie in hopes of crushing the feudal order and absolutism of the age. If this was not true, why was Great Britain not the leader during the 18th Century? The answer is obvious--the French bourgeoisie and liberal nobles desired a new society from from traditional restraints. No where does a historian see where these changes directly or indirectly positively impact the peasantry. Quite on the contrary, the peasantry found increase oppression, even during the French Revolution.
The Intellectual Revolution saw the world from the merchant point-of-view. Rationally, the philosphes wanted to recreate society to better serve their interests. Women were ignored, slavery (even though it was attacked) was continued even during the French Revolution.
With these thoughts, one can say the Intellectual Revolution created a new social caste system that was not better for society but in some ways more oppressive.
So, although some philosophes like Diderot claimed that they wanted to reform thinking, it was all realy in self interest? I guess the fact that women really didn't advance at all applies to this.
When you say a new wave of skepticism, do you mean skepticism about everything, religion and reason?
This is a neo-marxist view that ignores some truth. I think it is interesting to put forth such an argument because so much of Western Civilization is based on the Enlightenment "advances." I challenge you to even dig deeper into the women and skepticism and evaluate on your own the positive/negative impact of the Enlightenment.
Would have replied sooner but I'm kinda confused on the neomarxist view. I know that we talked about it awile ago, but wikipedia is confusing me more. Did you mean marxist as in material conditions?
Just popping in here, haven't had a computer in 100000000 years because mine broke :( (not that I posted much anyway...)
Was, are you still checking this anymore?
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