Thursday's Test
Ask any question here and your peers and I will answer. In addition, a good conversation can begin.
PLEASE USE THIS BLOG ONLY TO ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS. No personal attacks, suggestions, or discussion should go on here. Please remember, I have to read all of the responses each night.
In the book it says something about Thiers, and his league of radical republicans & socialists in France, as well as mentioning the political banquets (page 595.) I'm a little hazy on the significance of this group & these banquets...?
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for a brief overview.
so i noticed during class that our thinking process is being put to powermap or essay writing form/thinking through our quizzes. would this include whys and hows? such as [from your ppt: "Changing Ideologies"] it says: Socialism—viewed society as a whole, rather than as individualistic and identified competition as the underlying problem in the urban areas
...would we need to know why was the society viewed as a whole and how was competition the underlying problem in the urban areas?
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